Spring 2025 Registration is open!
Girls Rec Softball Divisions:
All Registrations will close on March 15
- Pre/K-Kindergarten Division (must turn age 5 by Sept. 1, 2025)
- Grade 1-2 Division (Coach & Machine Pitch)
- Grade 3-5 Division (Player & Machine Pitch) - currently waitlisting
- Grade 6-8 Division (Player Pitch)
- Grade 9-12 Division (Player Pitch) –. This will require some travel around the Carroll County area.
Practice Start Dates:
- Pre/K-Kindergarten Division begins practices/games on April 12th.
- Practices begin March 15th for Grade 1-2, Grade 3-5, Grade 6-8 & 9-12 Divisions.
Games begin for all divisions on April 12th and end in early/mid June.
Games and Practices are at Eldersburg Elementary, Freedom Park, Hodges Park, and Old Liberty Road Park.
No requests after February 28 except Kinder & HS Div.
Coach, carpool, and teammate requests are allowed but they must be included with your registration. Requests after teams have been released will not be honored. All requests will be considered but team size and registration date will factor into the accommodation of requests.
Registration Cost:
If you are volunteering you MUST register online.
Register at: https://freedomarearec.sportngin.com/
Questions - email us at: fdosoftball.john@gmail.com or fdosoftball@gmail.com